Betti Ghassi

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Save for a Rainy Day ! Goes the adage ! and how smartly our elders did it ! When there was plenty they would stock up for the days when food was scarce ! . Those days during rainy seasons vegetables were rarely available and households had to make do with whatever they had in their backyards or from their brined or dried veggie stocks! When there were plenty of mangoes , thick mango skins with a little flesh too would be salted and dried up in the hot sun and then stocked up carefully! And so here is one such curry with dried mango skin or ambya sol .Called Betti ghassi as it does not use any other veggie other than the dried mango skin and coconut which was easily available ,and even if they are rancid – they are cleverly used to make the most delicious curry !

Ingredients :-

  • Ambya sol – 5to 6 pieces ( according to how sour the mango is )
  • Coconut – half of a small one
  • Red chillies – 2
  • Oil to deep fry
  • Salt to taste

Method :-

  1. Ambya sol which had been salted and then dried previously is used .
  2. Soak the sol in a little water for some time , .
  3. Cut the coconut in to small pieces as shown and deep fry . you can even use if it has gone slightly rancid too .
  4. Grind the fried coconut and the chillies to a smooth paste . . Boil the sol and when it has cooked add the masollu .
  5. Add water to adjust consistency . check for salt and add only if needed .
  6. Bring to a boil , reduce flame and simmer for 2 more minutes
  7. Your tasty Betti ghassi is ready to be served .

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